Bob Mogaka, 34 years old (real name withheld) is a boda boda (motorbikes used as a convenient and cheap means of public transport) rider. During the 2022 general elections in Kenya, Bob was a supporter of one of the political candidates. In July 2022, he picked up a passenger and dropped him off a few kilometers away on the Kisii-Kilgoris road. As Bob was dropping off his customer, a vehicle carrying four men pulled up, roughed him up and forced him into their vehicle. It was not until 6am the following day that Bob was found unconscious in the Nyamataro area of Kisii County. He suspects that his assailants were supporters of an opposing political camp.
Bob was rushed to a local public hospital, where he spent hours unattended. He was fortunate to have friends who took him from this hospital to a private one. Bob was found to have multiple fractures and a deep cut in his left leg. He underwent four surgeries and had an implant placed in his left leg. “I am thankful that I had basic insurance cover and my friends were able to sacrifice to raise money for my initial medical care. I am still paying my medical bill. We are losing most of our young people on the roads because of how accident victims are handled. There are no ambulances that are equipped to handle accident victims. We do not have qualified people available to offer medical assistance immediately. Furthermore, many of the accident victims cannot afford medical care in private institutions like I was fortunate to have, “laments Bob.
Bob has four children who depend on him, so he is already back to work, continuing with his boda boda business much as he is not fully recovered. In a passionate plea, Bob asks the government and people of good will to take action to improve emergency care for boda boda and all accident victims. He knows that he is one of the few that was lucky to survive for a long time before receiving medical care. “We are the poor and vulnerable who cannot afford care in the expensive private hospitals,” says Bob in conclusion.